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Like a Scene from Entourage

Part of: Gossip , Television

Jeremy Piven forgot to go into his default character "Ari Gold" from Entourage the other night at Bungalow 8. Instead he channeled Kevin Dillon's character on the show "Drama" during a bitch fest with Stephen Dorff over Dorff cutting the bathroom line.

Jeremy Piven: "Yo, what are you doing? You know you don't need to cut the line!"

Stephen Dorff: "I can do what I want!"

Piven: "No, you can't!"

Dorff: "Yes, I can!"

Piven: "You're a has-been!"

Dorff: "At least I am a movie star - you're only on TV! Cable TV!"

Um...I really despise Stephen Dorff because he thinks that he should be treated like a movie star and because he's just annoying and not hot. Numerous sources have told me bad Stephen Dorff "Do you know who I am?" stories over the years. And what's up with Jeremy Piven acting like a child. Oh, I forgot that actors are like children. But come on, Jeremy and Stephen should really just kiss and makeup. You know they want to...

(via Page Six)

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